School Based Therapy Providers
Our Proximity Telehealth team brings decades of in-person therapy experience to schools that want the best for their students. We are dedicated professionals who are passionate about our students and school partnerships.
Meet Our Team
Madison Jackson
Speech Therapist
Nette Miller
Occupational Therapist
Kristen Bjork
School Psychologist
Katie Elwer
Speech Therapist
Amelia Kelley
Speech Therapist
Melissa Kijowski
Speech Therapist
Christy McGrath
Speech Therapist
Mindy Thompson
Speech Therapist
Christina Sears
Occupational Therapist
Katie Flynn
Speech Therapist
Madison Evans
Speech Therapist
Emily Gray
Speech Therapist
Emily McGee
Speech Therapist
Lindsay Hovland
Speech Therapist
Bethany Shin
Speech Therapist
Christin Sanders
Speech Therapist
Sadie Taylor
Speech Therapist